2024 Conference
배터리데이 유럽 2024 컨퍼런스

- 명 칭 배터리데이 유럽 2024 컨퍼런스
- 기 간 2024년 6월 19일(수)
- 장 소 ICM Room 4
- 내 용 최신 글로벌 배터리 산업의 트렌드 및 기술 공유
2024 Program
시간 | 주제 | 연사 |
9:00~10:00 | Registration and Reception | |
10:00~10:20 | Welcoming Speeches | Organizers |
10:20~10:40 | Battery Business Strategy of Samsung | Dr. Michael Bramberger Director Marketing and Product Management Europe Samsung SDI |
10:40~11:00 | Electrolyte Motion Induced Salt Inhomogeneity in Large-Format Lithium-Ion Cells | Dr. Johannes Wandt Battery specialist and associate prof. BMW Group UiA |
11:00~11:20 | LG Energy Solution's Advanced Battery Technologies | Dr. Je Young Kim CTO, Senior Vice President LG Energy Solution |
11:20~11:40 | The energy transition: Batteries included | Mr. Tom Einar Jensen Executive Chairperson and Co-Founder Freyr Battery |
11:40~12:00 | Expanding Battery Production:European Gigafactory Learnings | Dr. Simon Engelke Founder and Chair Battery Associates |
12:00~ 13:40 | Lunch & Networking | |
13:40~ 14:00 | Transitional low or trend reversal – can battery technology improvements re-accelerate BEV sales growth in Europe? |
Mr. Kilian Sagner Senior Consultant FEV consulting |
14:00~ 14:20 | Henkel digital solutions for battery design innovation | Dr. Keonwoo Lee AMC / PD Battery Solutions Henkel |
14:20~14:40 | The EV battery technology roadmaps: The influence of current and emerging technology | Ms. Varnika Agarwal Battery Research Analyst Rho Motion |
14:40~15:00 | Transformation of a TIER 1 - Roof & Electrification (Battery Systems) | Dr. Johann Schwenk Governmental Affairs & Funding Webasto |
15:00~15:20 | Characteristics and logistics plan of secondary battery logistics: Focusing on secondary battery raw materials and recycling |
Ms. Sunghee Chung Team Leader Oversaeas Branch Management Team Taewoong Logistics |
15:20~16:00 | Coffee Break & Networking | |
16:00~16:20 | Battery materials and recycling business in Europe | Mr. Dong Ha Lee Senior Manager Posco |
16:20~16:40 | Application needs of automation technology for the sustainable battery life cycle and battery circular economy |
Mr. Carl-Ernst Forchert/Prof. Jung-Hwa Lee Chairman of the Board Deputy Chairman of the Board ReLioS |
16:40~17:00 | Advanced Silicon Anode materials for batteries | Mr. Myeongjin Choi Global Sales & Marketing Manager Umicore |
17:00~17:20 | Let us think deep and wide how to recycle the spent lithium-ion batteries | Dr. Songhak Yoon Scientist Fraunhofer |
17:20~17:40 | Use EV with Confidence by remanufactured battery | Mr. Sanguk Lee CSO, Strategy & Planing Division Poen |
17:40~20:00 | Business networking |
* 세부 내용은 주최 측 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
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